In transition

I moved my ‘studio’ back into the garage. I need to work bigger. I priced how much it would cost to have 3 5ft sq canvases shipped here. It is almost as much as the cost of the canvases. I couldn’t justify that so I went thru my older larger paintings and found a couple I can paint over. The weather has been mild here, just no rain for over 3 months. So, now that I moved back into the garage, the weather will turn really cold. I have a heater. I just need to work bigger for these.

Update: Haha on me! We finally had rain here and yes! it turned colder. Frost/freeze overnight. I did manage to put a layer on my larger painting on Monday. Letting it dry a bit. I’ll just have to paint in a coat!

Becoming: Cosmic Egg

While I was painting, I kept thinking of beginnings and endings, origins of our universe. The cosmic or world or mundane egg, according to Wikipedia. The article give an overview of the different origin myths of the Cosmos.

Becoming: Cosmic Egg, 30″ sq., 76 cm. o/c and paint sticks with 2 close ups. I tried to adjust the color on the painting. It looks a bit yellow on my screen but the closeups are true to color. apologies for the wonky placement of the images

Becoming Cosmic Egg             

              Becoming Cosmic Egg closeup 2

Becoming cosmic egg closeup 1

New Painting: Becoming #69

There isn’t much to say. The journey is done, I think. I needed to do 20 years of exploring from graduate school to arrive at this point. I wonder if I had been painting like this all those years where would I be now? Question that hasn’t an answer. At least, I found my way and I can begin to paint. I love this painting, the energy in the brushstrokes, the colors, shapes forming, becoming, I had been close to this a couple of times throughout those 20 years only to go in another direction.

Becoming #69, 30″ square, 76 cm sq. o/c and paint sticks. Two closeups

Becoming #69         Becoming 69 closeup 2Becoming #69 closeup

I finally found my way through the forest.


After I posted that I was not going to paint for a while, I realized I had 2 more 30″ sq. canvases.  It bothered me that the 2 canvases would just be gathering dust so I painted over the triangles. I found that this is where I want to be. Gestural, expressive brushstrokes, color, all the things I love. Painting in the middle with 2 close ups. Autumn, 30″ sq or 76 cm sq. o/c and paint sticks.