Poetry Book

Finally got it printed. Took me 4 hours but it’s done! [after screaming at the computer a few times!] I took the picture on the cover; it wraps around to back. A goldfinch and crepe myrtle, taken in my backyard, I got lucky! The poems start in 1965 and go to 2022. The haiku s are mixed in with other poems. A bit nicer than a chapbook, I think!


Screenshot 2022-05-28 at 13-23-32 Poems Across Time Schindler Jan C. 9798832391540 AmazonSmile Books

Next book [book 2 in series?]

Just a note on my next book. I’ve got it outlined finally with beginning, middle and end now but it started on a different path. I had a beginning, hazy idea for middle, and no end. I went in one direction and didn’t like it so I tried something else, liked it, and finally it has led me to where I am going now. And the story is writing itself, more or less; this is actually closer to how I paint as I never really know how the painting will turn out. I am happy with it. hope all is well with everyone.


I lowered the price on my book, both paperback and ebook. Ebook is free on Kindle unlimited. It may take a day or two to show up on site. prices : ebook $4.99 and paperback is $6.99 https://smile.amazon.com/s?k=Time+Past%2C+Time+Future+Jan+Schindler&i=stripbooks&crid=3PBRUQVERQHF9&sprefix=time+past%2C+time+future+jan+schindler%2Cstripbooks%2C86&ref=nb_sb_noss

New painting

Dutch Iris from my garden. 36″x36″ or 91.44 cm back to the beginning with new imagery. May need some finessing but I’m leaving it alone for a couple of days. I am happy with it.

Iris painting