Right Angles

right angles

I  took the jumping off point for this from the first pastel  “Calanais 5 pastel” , the “stones” on the ground. Sometimes you have to go down the rabbit hole to find what you are looking for. Sometimes, it surprises you.

30″ x 40″



standing stone small

5″ x 7″ oil on canvas


I hear the songs echo

the ancient stones stand silent

whispers on the wind


standing tall, so proud

long ago I touched you once

grey gneiss, cold stone


These are 2 haikus I wrote about the Callanish/Callanais standing stones. The painting is one of the stones. I like it a lot. Hope you like them.

I found drawings of the stones done in 1800’s by a Mr. Sharbau who was part of an expedition to Callanish and did drawings of the stones. [Callanish by Gerald Ponting 2002]  I am using them along with my photos to create some of my images. I hope Mr. Sharbau doesn’t mind.

Also this is a  link to an article that  talks about, among other things, that prehistoric humans had a sense of humor. I rather like that idea.

i give up with the formatting






Standing Stones


The one on the left is done in oils and the one of the right is pastels. I like them both but could use improvement. Not sure I like the negative space in the oil. I wanted a flat area but not sure it works, maybe a different color. [ I was thinking of cave walls, ha.] I like the pastel. The standing stone colors could be better. I did the pastel first then the oil. Oil is 24″ square and pastel is the 14″ x 11″ paper. Maybe a bigger canvas for the oil might help.

Calanais II Stratigraphy

CallanaisII strat

This is a single stone from the Calanais II site. I wanted to combine naturalistic features with more abstract ones. I’m not sure it works but I kinda like it. The stone is a shorter “fatter” one and is sometimes referred to as a female shape. This general shape is not unique to this site. Stratigraphy refers to the layers of soil deposited over time. It helps with dating. I plan on doing a few more of these though with different “themes”. I find the shapes of these megaliths  fascinating.   11″ x 14″ or 28 cm x 35.6 cm. on Strathmore pastel paper

Calanais 5 Pastel

Callanais 5

This is an abstraction of the Calanais Standing Stones from the previous post. It is 29″ x 20″ or  app. 74cm x 51cm. That is blue painter’s tape around it. I had it taped to my drawing board.