Petite Matisse


petite Matisse1,2,3,4,

I did theses over the week end. They are only 6″  or 15.24 cm square. They worked up quickly.  They really should be much larger but I just don’t have room in my tiny studio right now. Maybe when it warms up a bit I can use the garage.  Anyway, I like the direction this is heading in. I got tired of the rectilinear and/or curvilinear shapes. The organic Matisse shapes are a good change. And I like Matisse. (cut out #5 below) And , yes, the shapes reflect my shaped monotypes.  I resisted painting the “Matisse” shapes as I felt like they  belonged to the monotypes. Now, I guess I’m changing that.


A study of sorts


I’m calling this Matisse because of the organic shapes. When I haven’t painted in a while, I usually do one of my shape pictures. Easy enough to execute as I just am thinking about colors. Some of the colors need to be more subtle here i.e. more tones and shades.  These colors  seem to assault the eyes, very intense. I’m going to go buy smaller canvases for studies  to work on color and shapes although I’m thinking these need to be much larger.   This one is 24″ x 30″.

what i’ve been up to

I think my book is finished. I’ve gone through it for content and punctuation 3 times now. I’m going to send it off to 1 publisher who didn’t require so many hoops to jump thru. I am not hopeful but felt I needed to try. I’ll probably self publish with amazon. Have to look into that. I’m excited and nervous about the book. It is a scifi adventure of sorts. Maybe the start of a series, dunno, too soon to tell. I always wanted to be a writer but life got in the way until now.

I haven’t been painting since just before Christmas but I do have ideas. Have to get back into it. There is a canvas on my easel. Hope everyone is well.