works in progress

These are 3 works I’ve been piddling with over the last week. 2 are water colors and  1 is pastel. I used a Pitt pen initially for the watercolors. It helped to get a structure for them. I also am using better water colors. The others were not very good. I also found some watercolor paper and am using that. It has helped with using the watercolors. The pastel is a lot of lines right now. Will blend some of it into a more solid shape, I think.

The angels for me are an easy subject. It is from my invention so I don’t have to worry about correct structure as I would if  I were using human figures. My biggest challenge is color. Which ones to use, do I blend the pastels? How many layers with the watercolors etc. etc. Don’t want it to look overworked.

3angels compressed

New Year , New Start

This past year has been a time of change. I moved then moved again into a house. Apartment living is not for me. Guess I’m getting old, lol. I’ve also been dealing with the migraines which hasn’t helped. BUT, I have started again albeit slowly. Thought I’d play around with media. I’m not a great fan of watercolor, too unforgiving. My painting style does not lend to scrubbing the paper. So, the watercolor is just a start and the plan is to go over it with pastel when it dries. The paper I’m using is a printmaking paper, Rives heavyweight but if I were to do just watercolor I’d get the proper paper. I’m also using a smaller format now.

The image will be one of an angel. I don’t  have any “medium” size angels so again its a place to start.

compressed 2020