Bison Spirit Sky

bison spirit sky

This is the latest in the bison series. I have one more to do and then I’ll be finished for awhile. Don’t have much to say about this other than it is a continuation of the series. See previous posts about reason for using bison. They fit well into my work.  30″ square or app. 75 cm. square.

Bison Spirit -Sun

This is the first of a “portrait” of a bison. It approaches what I have been picturing in my mind. There are things that need improving but it is coming close. I’m not sure about the yellow background. I was thinking of the sun, sort of, but not sure it works. I used a black paint stick to draw in the head and it muddied the colors somewhat. I never have used black before in these gestural paintings. It is ok , not too overwhelming. I used my typical colors of alizarin crimson, cadium yellow deep, french ultramarine blue and permalba white. Hadn’t done this in a long while. [see trying to contain the anger in earlier posts] The detail picture gives one an idea of the layering of colors. Have to let them dry a bit or they’ll be muddied.

As I wrote before, these paintings are inspired by prehistoric cave paintings. I did not want to copy them but make them my own by using my gestural style for the bison. I greatly admire Elaine de Kooning’s cave paintings but they are easily recognized as being based on the cave paintings. I did not want that for these but for them to stand on their own. Both bison and horses are very noble, majestic animals to me. They are both herd animals which may be a reason why early humans were fascinated with them.

I chose the title, in part, as a nod to the native Americans and their traditions with the bison. Much of my research concerned this as well as the possible roles bison may have played in prehistory. Also, in painting them this way, they seem to be not fully formed as tho part of the figure is still in the non-material world. It was something I was depicting in my earlier human figure paintings. Hence, a continuity of technique.

I have 2 more 30″ square canvases so 2 more it will be. I changed the title to Bison Spirit-Sun. the next one will be Sky.

Blue Bison

Blue Bison

After horses, bison are the second most illustrated animals in paleolithic  art. (Bahn, A Guide to Cave Art, 2007)  Elaine de Kooning did a series of cave paintings from Lascaux not long before it was closed to the public. This link is to one example. If you google her name and cave paintings you’ll get a whole bunch of examples.  Her work is a source of inspiration for me.