Done, done

As you can see, I got rid of the colors and went to black and white. I had been paring my paintings down to shape and color. I took away the color and used my gestural, swishy brushstroke. Hate it. So I’m hanging up the brushes for a while. I’m going to look thru some drawings I have, maybe go back to female form? I dunno. I’m just going to fiddle with pastels and watercolor and see what happens. the slight yellowish color is from the lights I use. No more expensive color correct bulbs.

“In the end is my beginning” T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

triangle black and white

update for bad painting

triangle rework 2triangles rework 1

The one on the left has white for the background. The one on the right has a chromatic grey with lots of squiggly lines. I just couldn’t leave well enough alone and I took all the leftover colors on my palette and mixed them together. Then I took the palette knife, and a la Twombly, scribbled across the canvas.

The mixing of all the colors to make a grey was influenced by my 5 year old grandson. He comes over to hang out at yaya’s [me] house on occasion and often paints. He starts out with different colors but ends up every time mixing them all together on his canvas and then declares done! I asked him one time if he wanted to paint a face and he asked why? I said many artists paint them. He shrugged and continued painting his swirls of color until it turned grey.

Letting the paint dry.

the best laid plans: bad new painting

I really don’t know what to make of this. I got 3 30″ sq canvases to make Triangles, Squares and Circles. Seemed like a good idea to end the post gestural, geometric shapes paintings. It looked good in my head. Did some sketches and this painting is the result. I don’t like it. The colors are all saturated, intense; it needs more subtly with shades and tones. The background seems to be fighting with the foreground. It seems like when I over plan paintings, they don’t work out i.e. the Infinity painting with the thick symbol painted over the shapes. I was trying to use some of what I did in that painting for this. As I sit here and look at it, the background needs to be a solid color at the very least. Also, the red, blue, purple, and yellow triangles at the bottom need to go. Maybe, that will be enough? I need to let the paint dry before I go painting over it and make more of a mess!


Its been about a month since I’ve picked up a brush or pen. The desire/motivation just wasn’t there. I’ve learned at least this much about myself: that if I try to paint or write or do pretty much anything I’m not motivated to do, it doesn’t work out. With writing, I tried a few times to create the spark by going thru and correcting grammar or spelling or just reading the stories. Didn’t work this time.