update on things

I’ve added content to my book. It is now about 78,000 words. I got a program called Pro Writing Aid and went thru the book with it. Besides grammar issues it pointed out things like using the same word too often in the same paragraph, passive vs, active voice, stuff like that. It helped a lot but was a slow process. I’m now going back over it refining and finessing the content. I’m almost finished with that. I sent out a query to an agent that specializes in scifi and a publisher that accepts unsolicited queries. The big name publishers will only accept manuscripts from an agent. With so many people out there, I feel like I have a snowball chance in hell of getting any notice but I have to try. Its been a month and no word. I’ve sent the book to my beta readers, so far no word from them.(One is on vaca) I’m debating on how long I wait vs. going thru the frustration of self publishing. I rushed thru it the first time. At least, I know what is involved with it and how much time it takes.

Haven’t done anymore painting, waiting for it to cool down. Hope everyone is well.

Update on update: got email from agent, no go. Not surprised. I checked publisher and they say up to 6 months!! They only take scifi, fantasy, and horror. I’m kinda holding out for them although I’m not overly confident. I’ve been arguing with myself as to wait or go ahead and self publish. I’ve started working on second book, right now, just spitballing ideas to myself, lol.