
4 little pathways cropped

These are the latest paintings.  Titled Pathway 1,2,3, and 4.  They’re small so they worked up quickly. They’re 6″ square.  I am doing this on my tablet so it’s a bit awkward. I’m having trouble seeing the site.

I posted my MFA thesis to if anyone is interested. It has lots of papers/research on just about anything academic.  I’ve been using it to read about prehistoric art. Lots of recent info.



Petite Right Angles 5

small right angles

I did this last night. It is 9″ x 12″ or 23cm x 30 cm.[ I have bouts of insomnia.] It is small  so it was easy to do in one sitting. Which brings me to scale. I can’t see these as being large paintings like 8 ft by 10ft.  I think they would be overwhelming and too busy. Not sure how many more I’ll do . Its starting to get repetitive but I ‘ m still enjoying them so maybe a  few more.

I read a bit about tessellation. It is interesting but my work is not really headed in that direction. It seems to be  patterned based and I’m not interested in that.  Harks back to 2D design exercises. The 15th convex monohedral pentagonal tiling and the voronoi tiling caught my eye. Check out the Wikipedia entry on it if you are interested. Link in previous post.

fyi:  I took the picture with my tablet and posted  initially with it. I’m now on my desktop, much easier to see things. The color is fairly accurate.

Tessellations, tesserae, and mosaics

I’ve taken a pause in my painting, thinking about the next step with my “Right Angles”. I’ve been watching a fair amount of you tube videos on archaeology especially ancient and Roman art specifically mosaics. They are still finding them in Britain! It gave me an idea for the next step with the right angles. So, looking up stuff about mosaics led me to tesserae and tessellations. Who knew I’d end up in a math realm?  [I’m not very good at Math. I took Math for Liberal Art majors way back when to satisfy my general degree requirements!] Anyway, it is an interesting path, one I’ll explore a bit. I  don’t want to get too lost in it tho. The abstract angles are inspired by the stones lying in the standing stone circles so I’m not looking to make them into a mathematical exercise. Still, a source of information/inspiration. I’ve always admired Escher’s work.

Tessellation wikipedia



30″ x 24″ or 76 cm x 61 cm. I call this Monolith because of the grey shape in the upper middle of the composition. It is based on the central stone at Calanais, Scotland. There are also 2 arrowheads abstracted, of course.  I am trying to blend colors more but have to throw a few saturated ones in for good measure. I  am having fun painting these.

I hope everyone is good.

prehistoric Venus pastels

The one on the left is the Venus of Dolní Věstonice, and the one on the right Venus of Willendorf. Both are pastels. Drawing them gave me an appreciation of the skill involved with creating them. The hardest thing tho, was trying to find a good photo. Willendorf was easier. Several of the photos looked the same but the Dolni was harder. Depending on the lighting it looked really dark or lighter with some brown/yellow in it. I wondered if it was because it was ceramic/pottery and Willendorf was stone? I opted to use the picture from Wikipedia as the lighting looked good enough.  In an ideal world I would have had my own photos of them to use. Anyway, it was fun to do them.