Anger #13, Learning Process

anger #13

This is a larger format that what I’d been using, 52″ h x 48″ w or 132cm x  122cm. Slightly different approach. I wanted it to seem like she was coming out of the darkness but its hard to see here. There are dark brushstrokes on that side, dark red brown with blue added for a deep purple  brown on the right.  And on the left is the figure dissolving into into the frenzied brushstrokes. I guess you could say she was only able to contain half of the anger.  I am ok with this but it is not my most successful one. There are parts to it I like but overall…… meh.  I could keep working on it but  I think it is better to move on to another. I don’t want to work on it and get a mess and then abandon it. Learning process.