Painting and Writing

They are both part of the same process for me. It starts with an idea and from there is developed in a language that communicates that idea. One of the over arching ideas for me with painting is the process itself. Color, shape, it is why I enjoyed teaching 2D design and beginning drawing. I think I am to the point where I’ve explored that as fully as possible for me. I’ve used different styles, techniques to see how varied the imagery can be. I realize I have no one “style” and is probably why no commercial gallery ever wanted to sell my work. I could never understand how someone could paint essentially the same thing over and over again with subtle variations. I would get bored with it. Abstract Expressionism comes to mind. At least with a figure of some sort you could potentially have lots of variety. Right now, I have a 3 ft. [app. 1 meter ]square canvas upon the wall, background color painted and I’ve stopped. Another shape painting? I keep asking myself. Haven’t I’ve done enough of them? It used to be I’d continue in the hopes I’d discover something new but I haven’t felt that in a long while.

With writing I am able to just tell a story and maybe embed some ideas along the way. The story is the important part tho. Yet, I’m realizing the act or process of writing is similar to my painting method. I start with an idea, write snippets of the story, refining it along the way, adding to the story. The story is the overarching “glue”. Sometimes, I have to throw out a part as it doesn’t fit or go with the story. As I go along the story takes on a life on its own and I can just write. I’m hoping to replicate that with the next book. This hasn’t happened in painting for awhile.

This doesn’t mean I’m stopping painting for good. As I posted I’m still painting just not forcing something I don’t feel right now. It make come back tomorrow, who knows. [I stopped painting for 2 years when I live in New Orleans] I have to have faith in myself that it will. So far it has with varying amounts of “rest” periods. Writing this, getting my thoughts out of my head, helps.

With writing it is almost but not quite the opposite. I see the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Its just writing it that is the challenge. And I know as I write there may be tangents, twists and turns in the story, but it will have an ending I can see. With painting that is sometimes not the case.

I hope all is well with you and yours.

I am still Painting

garage work in progress

Garage studio

This is a work in progress. I’ve been wanting to do a larger version of the “Matisse shapes”. Jerry’s was out of the larger canvases and I didn’t want to buy 3 of the same anyway. My choices are limited as far as art supply stores are concerned. I broke one of my pledges to myself and went into Hobby Lobby. They were caught buying stolen antiquities from Iraq, not cool. So I boycotted them. Had to break my pledge. Anyway, they have a decent selection of supplies especially stretched canvases. They had 4×4 ft and 4x5ft available. Can’t fit those in my car but I did get 3x3ft. Oh and there was a 50% off sale so I guess I was destined to go in there. I am not endorsing them but if you are like me with limited choices…… the closest art supply stores are 2 hours away from me!

I moved into the garage and out of my tiny studio. The garage is not ideal but I am able to work bigger. You can see parts of the painting I am painting over. The painting is 48″ or 122 cm. square. This was before I found the larger canvases. I can open the garage door part way up so that I can let in some natural light.

I’m going through my poems and may self publish them. My guess is the formatting will be a nightmare.