The Path We Did Not Take

the Path we did not take

This is  finished painting that I posted earlier that was in progress. The title is from Eliot, Burnt Norton.  I added some “darker” colors to this and left more lines.  40″ x 30″

I am going to continue with the Poetry Paintings a bit longer. The other two series will have to sit on the “back burner”. I’m thinking I may not even do a Migraine series as I think Vertigo says it all for me right now.


Poetry Painting 3 in progress and Vertigo

poetry painting in progress

Its been awhile. I’ve been dealing with health issues, again. And changing my mind about what my next series is going to be. I’ve also been working on this larger poetry painting. [40″ x 30″or 101.6 cm x 76.2 cm]  This is about half way finished.  [yes, picture is a bit blurry]  I’ve been letting each layer dry so that the colors remain as they are laid down. That has slowed me up a bit. But  because of my continuing saga with finding out what makes me dizzy, I haven’t spent as much time as I should have  on it.  It is thought now that I have something called Persistent Perceptual Positional Dizziness. It is part of the migraine syndrome. I’m having to give up a bunch of food and then reintroduce them one at a time to see if it triggers my symptoms. What a bother but if it works then ok. I’m not totally convinced this is what I have but I’ll give it a try. Anyway. I bring this up only to explain that I am thinking of doing some “migraine” paintings. The auras would be a starting point. I’ve actually started some studies. So far ok.

The following painting is what I did when I came home from the doctor’s office with my new diagnosis. It was supposed to be another poetry painting but I took some paint sticks to it and well, this was the result. I call it Vertigo. I’m not sure what I am going to do with it.  It is 3ft x 4ft or 91.44cm x  122cm

