update with book

I made a mess of my manuscript trying to format it. I gave up and have someone to do that for me. I hope the book will be out in a few days. Will let you know.

Update on the update: I’m going to have a professional cover made and have a professional editor. The person who is going to do the formatting recommend I do this. Since she’s published 50 or so books, I’m taking her advice! So it’ll be a while longer before its out and that is OK. I wanted to do it all and am learning I can’t. And that is OK too.

Short Story

i removed the short story since i am hoping to have it published.

Images from Thesis


scan0083 The scans are from my thesis and the paintings were part of my thesis exhibition. The quality of the images is not great but you get the idea, I hope. Irony is I’ve been thinking about these in reference to what I’ve been doing with my current shape work. This is what I was thinking/looking for, sorta. There is something unsatisfying or lacking in these. Not sure what. Maybe I can discover it as I work once again, going back to the beginning. Except for a study of the Four Quartets and Prototype [the tonal study upper right here] I don’t think these exist any more.

scan0093the four paintings were not hung together  for my thesis exhibition so the meaning was lost.