Pastel study of a Greek Butt

I haven’t been painting much but have gone back to my Greek series working in pastels. The photos of the sculpture are from Berlin and Paris. I have used them in other paintings but have never done the backs. Anyway, here are the photos I worked from and the pastels I have. They are Girault pastels and it was an expensive treat way back in undergrad school. Worth every penny.

dory picspastels

The drawing on the left below I did mostly to get my eye and hand back together. I haven’t done this kind of drawing for awhile. It was rather light as I knew I would go over it with pastel so I did some manipulating in the little program I have,office picture manager. I think the lines show up better here in this photo below. The one on the right is the pastel. I used greys so I could focus on the lights and darks and not worry too much about color. It may need some finessing but these are studies for an actual painting, I think.

dory grey 21Dory drawing 21