Book Promotion

The ebook for Time Present has a promotional price of 2.99 USD from 20 August to 20 September. This is through Draft to Digital. Link below. Regular price on Amazon. Regular price is $4.99. Paperback price is $7.99 USD. The second book is a novella. I lowered the price to reflect that.

Change of Pace

Book published, paintings done, now what? Well, I have some short stories to write. I’m planning on publishing an Omnibus of the 2 books along with several short stories. I hope to have it published next January -February, 2024. Some are outtakes from the two books and other stories need to be developed more.

My photography lately consisted of things around my house, flowers, birds, trees. I am hoping to get out more when it gets cooler. There are a few nature preserves near me as well as the state park on Monte Sano mountain. Below are a few recent pictures. Was practicing taking closeups of flowers: zinnias, begonias, African violets. Tried taking pictures of lightening in this cloud. Needed a higher iso/asa. I was using a Canon Sure shot(ha). The second one is just the setting sun hitting the cloud. The subtle shades are lovely.

Time Present

Second book is now published. It is a continuation of the first. Both books are published with Draft2Digital and Amazon. Draft2 Digital is a distributor to several book sites such as Apple books, Barnes and Noble, Scribed, Smashwords, D2D print plus many others.

What inspired me

Someone asked me on Instagram what inspires me. I referred her here and to read my thesis. I am a bit reticent about this. I want people to come away from my work with their own meaning and I don’t want to influence their meaning. Having said that, if someone were to ask me, I would try to give them some sense of my inspiration. Which leads me to this:

Back in the mists of time, late 80’s, I think, I saw a drawing/painting of Degas’s in the Metropolitan Museum in N. Y. It was located in the hall that leads to the large gallery of French impressionism. It was on the left hand side. If you stood close to it, it looked like random burnt sienna markings. As you stepped back from it, those lines coalesced into an image. In this case it was one of his bathers. I slowly walked forward and the lines “fell” apart. I walked back and forth several times seeing those lines formed and unformed. The seed was planted then. I can point to that artwork and say that was the source of inspiration for me.

I’ve tried to find an image of the drawing in question with no luck. It is not on the I did a general search and still no luck. I’m guessing it is a late work judging by the loose strokes.

Masters moved

I moved my thesis onto a page. Look to the left. The page is located in that upper group. It was too long here as a post. I was able to make the images of the paintings smaller on the page. You shouldn’t see anymore ads as I got a paid subscription. I now have my own domain I can’t seem to figure out how to delete the Twitter feed on the left. Its been that way for awhile.

2 New Paintings

PLEASE NOTE: I was trying to clean up my files and I somehow messed up my picture editor. I hope the images are ok. I tried making them smaller on the page but it’s not working. I resized them as well as compressed them so I hope the quality is ok.

The Painting below is from a drawing. Where Are They Going? 30 ” x 24″ or 76cm x 61 cm. I put a faint line to indicate a surface near the bottom. Couldn’t decide if I wanted the shapes floating or anchored,the point where the spiritual world meets the ordinary world. See my thesis for a discussion. the link for Academia no longer works. i hope to place the entire thing in that very first entry.

where are resized

This next painting is called Forms in Space 24″ or 61cm. square. It is the last of the three that I painted over Infinity. They seem to reference plants. I decided not to “decorate” them. I think I am moving away from those shapes but to what next?

Forms in Space resized