drawing of Angel

drawing angel 2020 compressed

This was done with Pitt pens of various sizes. I was going to go over it with watercolors but I like it the way it is. 19″ x 13″ or 38 cm x 31cm.  Pitt pens on Rives BFK heavyweight.

Cezanne’s watercolors

There is an online book called Cezanne in the Studio  Still life in Watercolors by Carol Armstrong. You can download it from the Getty site. I’ve been looking thru it for inspiration and it is quite lovely. Even if you don’t have a hankering to try watercolors you will still enjoy seeing these works. It’s nice to be able to enlarge certain works/ areas up to a point to see detail. It helps to see the strokes and the drawing underneath the paint. There is a list of colors he used which is nice. Will try to read thru it to glean any notes on his technique. It actually is apparent on most of the works. He did do quite a bit of layering on some of them. Anyway, I encourage all to check it out.